Thursday, 15 March 2012

Funding Kingdom enterprise

I had the privilege this week of attending the first Kerygma Fund event, held at M&G Investments in London.... and what a night!
A friend, Matt Bird, the brains behind the outfit, (I'm sure ably supported by a host of others) developed a 'dragons den style' evening at which 5 short listed charities, all involved in front line evangelistic work, gave a 6 minute presentation to an invited audience. Following all 5 presentations people from the audience pledge any amount they wish to one or more of the charities.......

What a difficult choice that is because all of them were brilliant, inspiring, operating at thr sharp end of kingdom activity.

I have rarely attended a more inspiring and informative event andcan totally and wholeheartedly recommend the work of every single charity that presented....

Regenerate see
Working with kids, young adults, gang leaders and drug dealers on south London estates and have some tremendous stories and examples of what can happen when our God, who has a heart for people gets hold of people with a passion for God. The Kingdom advances using a double decker bus, music studios, trips to Romania and Kenya and gang members mentored....

Christianity Explored
Compelling evangelistic material based on the simple structure of Identity, Mission and Call from Marks gospel.
The words of a converted Muslim who came to faith through the course:

'Jesus walked off the pages of the bible and into my life'

theMediaNet are part of and they work with media professionals who are Christians - support, resources, fellowship, advice, prayer,networking......
They are developing an intensive course for media professionals helping to eqip them for a lifetimes work as a Christian in what can be a very 'hostile' environment.

CVN Christian vision for men
Really dynamic ministry with a heart, and a plan, to reach 1 million men in the UK. They are passionate about reversing the trend which is increasingly turning the church into a 'man free zone'
They are down to earth, plain speaking and operating way out beyond the place where men would consider attending an Alpha course.... they want to bring men to the point where an Alpha course is a very real option......

DNA (Pioneer Trust)
Training  and equipping disciples for a life of Kingdom effectiveness.....

Give them all a visit, it's well worth it and see which ones touch your heart.......they all left their mark on me

Monday, 12 March 2012

The company of the dead

There is a way, and I know it well
It is right and good to travel along
For this is what my readings tell
And what my observations inform me
Yes,I know it well

As a reader of books on mountain walks
I know the mountains well
But without ever a foot set on a hillside

Never the gale driven rain lashing down
Never the gentle breeze cooling the heat of the sun
Never the refreshing water from the clear stream

But the pictures and descriptions were superb
Quite enough to realise what its like
I know it well

AndI talk so knowlegebly about mountain craft that,
I have been asked to lead a weekend climbing party!

And then it hits home hard
I know about, but do not understand
BecauseI have never actually walked the paths of which i've read
For that would demand far too much risk
No, I have preferred to rest in the company of the dead.

Proverbs 21:16 NIV84

A man who strays from the path of understanding comes to rest in the company of the dead.