Dare to dream.....but be prepared for some unexpected outcomes.
Following the very powerful prophetic dream that was shared with us at WAVC yesterday I was, once again, challenged by the quality of our relationships within the church generally.
Matthew 5 is always a challenge :
“‘Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.”
Matthew 5:23-24 NIVUK
But when we realise the extent to which a real sign of the quality of our relationship with Jesus is our attitude towards, and relationship with, others it opens up new and challenging areas for us.
Attending worship, reading the bible, prayers and other Christian paraphernalia become secondary if we are not striving for God honouring relationships and doing what is within our power to fix them when they are broken.
In our series on the Letters to the 7 Churches in Revelation Jesus spoke some very hard truths to His Church. Many of these were extremely hard to swallow. It would have been very easy in the face of these to throw your dummy out of the pram and go elsewhere, somewhere easier.
However, and this is where it gets harder, the only avenue Jesus presents to the people, on every occasion where He highlights a weakness, sin or failing is........ acceptance of His words and repentance!
After our worship service I was reminded by someone of words I had said in church ( and this person was reminded of them by their non Christian partner who happened to be there when I spoke) , " it's easy to love the loveable " so that is never the test of our obedience! I am always challenged by the words of Glen Kaiser ( former lead of Rez Band) - " the person we love the least is the full extent of our actual love for Jesus".
Like the dream that was shared at church, this quote does not give the option of hiding behind so called 'spiritual activities' whilst leaving broken or breaking relationships untended.
I am so thankful that, following extremely tough words from Jesus in the letters, there is always a way back to the experience and reality of His awesome grace - through the doors of:
1. Repentance
2. Sorting it out ( the fruit of repentance)
"Let them who have ears, hear what the spirit is saying to the church."
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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